What Plantcare routine for my plants? 🌱

Quel routine Plantcare pour mes plantes ? 🌱

Our plants also need a daily routine to grow healthily. By taking care of them every day, we can find a source of comfort and fulfillment. Our plants grow better all year round!

The Importance of Targeted Hydration

Hydrate with Pepin ollas

With their natural micro porosity, Pepin ollas provide continuous hydration to plants. Once planted in the ground, water escapes gently and directly to the roots of the plants, providing more targeted watering. Our plants grow better all year round!
Oyas save up to 70% water compared to conventional watering, while maintaining optimal hydration for your indoor plants.

Simple and effective use of ollas

To use the ollas, simply plant the porous part in the soil of your pot and fill the olla with water. Check the water level every 4 to 6 days and refill as needed.
This ancestral method, inspired by traditional techniques, ensures that your plants receive the necessary hydration without additional effort.

Nourish and protect your plants with Pepin serums

Natural algae-based serums

Based on algae, Pepin serums are 100% natural and nourish different plant families during their annual growth period.
They act like real vitamin cocktails by renewing the minerals essential to their different needs.
Each serum is specially formulated to meet the specific needs of plants, whether green plants, cacti, orchids, or vegetable plants.

How to use Pepin serums

To use the serums, simply add a few drops to the watering water during the growing season (March to October).
For example, add 3 drops of serum per 250ml of watering water once every two waterings. This ensures that your plants receive the nutrients needed for healthy, vigorous growth.

pepin nourishing serums for green plants

Propagation and maintenance for a healthy plant

Spread for more love

When we have our favorite plants, the hydroculture and germination kit allows us to propagate them at home, without the need for a green thumb.
With the Pepin hydroculture and germination kit , the new shoots grow straight thanks to the hydroculture cup, and you can monitor the growth of the roots in the water.
This kit is ideal for those who wish to propagate their plants and benefit from robust and healthy new shoots.

photo hydroculture cups with growing plants

A complete routine for your plants

By integrating Pepin ollas and serums into your Plantcare routine, you ensure optimal hydration and adequate nutrition for your plants.
This simple and effective routine helps keep your plants healthy all year round, promoting lush growth and vibrant plants.

By caring for your plants like you care for yourself, you can create a serene and welcoming indoor environment.