Our tips for maintaining your indoor plants

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How to take care of your cacti?

☀️Light Thrives in bright direct light, but can tolerate bright indirect light. 💧Watering Water every 2 to 3 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often...

chat accompagné de plantes d'intérieur

Indoor plants suitable for cats

Bringing some greenery into your apartment while ensuring the safety of your cat can seem like a challenge. However, there are many houseplants that are non-toxic for cats! Her felines are much to...

rempotage des plantes

When and how to repot houseplants?

Repotting your houseplants is an essential step for their health and growth. Follow this short guide to know when and how to repot your plants, as well as the care needed after repotting. When t...

Décoration d'intérieur : Le pouvoir transformateur des plantes

Interior decoration: The transformative power of plants

Today we are going to talk about our 2 passions: plants and interior decoration. We promise you stories, an ode to our dear plant friends and lots of advice. And above all 3 minutes of pleasure (th...

Une histoire d'amour à la Pepin pour la Saint-Valentin 🌱💕

A Pepin-style love story for Valentine’s Day 🌱💕

Dear plant lovers, This Valentine's Day, we have a special story to tell you. It is the story of an unexpected love, of an encounter between two people who were made for each other. This is the...

Quel routine Plantcare pour mes plantes ? 🌱

What Plantcare routine for my plants? 🌱

Our plants also need a daily routine to grow healthily. By taking care of them every day, we can find a source of comfort and fulfillment. Our plants grow better all year round! The Imp...

La routine de Printemps pour des plantes d'intérieur en pleine forme 🪴

The Spring routine for indoor plants in great shape 🪴

1. Check your plants 👀 You can already get an idea of ​​the condition of your plants at first glance: the leaves should be green and firm, without spots or holes. 🌿 Also check under the branc...

Quel est le meilleur engrais pour les plantes d'intérieur?

What is the best fertilizer for houseplants?

Owning indoor plants can be a confusing business! It is not always easy to anticipate their needs and to react well when we realize that they are going badly. Is it a water problem? fertilizer? A p...