Accessoires plantes d’intérieur

Indoor plant accessories

Designer decorative elements, handmade and adapted to plants, to enhance every green corner of your interior
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Hydroculture plate Hydroculture plate
Sale price12,90€

The Pepin hydroculture dish is ideal for cutting your plants in water and observing root development. Made from ceramic in Portugal, it combines functionality and aesthetics to enrich your Plantcare experience.
This practical and elegant accessory allows you to monitor the growth of your plants and create an environment favorable to their development.

The advantages of Pepin accessories

Respect the environment

At Pepin, we are committed to producing environmentally friendly accessories. Our products, like the hydroculture cup, are made with durable and ecological materials.
By choosing Pepin, you support practices that respect the planet while beautifying your living space.

Commitment to Plantcare

Pepin is more than just a brand of houseplant products. We are a community passionate about Plantcare, dedicated to providing practical and aesthetic solutions for plant care.
Our accessories are designed to be simple to use and accessible to everyone, while being aligned with our commitment to the well-being of plants and the environment.

Would you like to discover similar products? Find our ollas and autonomous pots:

  • Ollas or Oyas : Our microporous ceramic ollas or oyas naturally regulate the watering of your plants, ensuring optimal hydration. These traditional accessories are perfect for keeping your plants healthy in an eco-friendly way.
  • Freestanding pots : Pepin freestanding pots take the concept of ollas and add a modern touch. They offer a practical and stylish solution for the continuous hydration of your indoor plants.

By choosing Pepin accessories, you join a community that values ​​the natural beauty of plants and respect for the environment. Our products are designed to make plant care simple, enjoyable and effective.
Discover our range of accessories and transform your living space into a haven of greenery.