Discover the Spathiphyllum!



It prefers medium to bright indirect light. Direct exposure to sunlight can damage their foliage.


Spathiphyllum likes humidity. If they don't get enough, they risk drying out and their leaves wilting.

Fun fact

It is also called "the moon flower" and has air purification capabilities!

Signs of a sad plant

Dry leaves, brown tips: thirsty, poorly watered
Yellowing of leaves: plants not treated against bacteria

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Today, we're talking about Spathiphyllum!
You're probably wondering how to take care of it, that's what I'm here for!
Let's find out together how to care for this beautiful plant.

Origin of Spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum, also known as peace lily, is a tropical plant. Its name literally means "leaf of peace", in reference to the emblematic part of the plant. There are more than 50 species of this plant, all tropical, living in humid forests or near waterways. They are native to Central America, South America and Southeast Asia.

If you can't tell by their sail-shaped flowers, which feature a fleshy spadix and spathe, these plants are considered arums, meaning they're in the same family as Anthurium and Philodendron, for example. example.
These plants were discovered in the late 19th century and began to be cultivated soon after. Most of the Spathiphyllum we buy at garden centers are cultivars, cultivated varieties selected for certain characteristics and produced by tissue culture.

Description of varieties and toxicity

There are several dozen cultivars on the market, some very small, reaching around 15 cm in height, and others very large, reaching 1.2 meters in height with large inflorescences. It is important to note that these plants are toxic to animals and children if ingested , which should be taken into account if you have pets or small children at home.

Spathiphyllum generally flower from January to August, but flowering is quite sporadic. To make them flower again, it is essential to provide them with good light, keep them moist and ensure good humidity. Ideal nighttime temperatures are between 20°C and 24°C, which corresponds to average household temperatures.
In greenhouses, Spathiphyllum are grown under approximately 30% shade to achieve the best flowering results. To optimize flowering in your home, find the ideal location with the right light and temperature conditions.

Growing conditions and care

Spathiphyllum hate direct sunlight which can damage their foliage. They prefer medium to bright indirect light. Direct exposure to sunlight can damage their foliage. Thin, dark leaves generally tolerate low light better, while thicker leaves require more light. An east-facing window is ideal as it provides soft morning light.

In terms of temperature, Spathiphyllum in general are not cold-hardy plants, which goes back to their natural habitat in tropical rainforests. Don't leave them near your air conditioner or a drafty window, and anything below 10°C is really problematic for this plant.

Watering and humidity

These plants are not cold hardy and prefer warm, humid environments. Avoid placing them near air conditioners or open windows in winter. Excessive heat can also dry out the plant, so water it regularly. Some varieties can withstand temperatures up to 42°C, but it is best to maintain a room temperature between 18°C ​​and 30°C.

Spathiphyllum likes humidity. If they don't get enough, they risk drying out and their leaves wilting. To maintain good humidity, it is recommended to plant them in a potting mix that is well aerated but capable of retaining water. If you use terracotta pots, you will need to water more frequently because these pots are porous and absorb water.

Fertilization and propagation

To fertilize Spathiphyllum, use a balanced organic fertilizer during the growing season. Propagation is generally done by division, separating the clumps at the roots. When dividing the plant, be careful not to damage the roots and use clean tools to avoid infection.

Common problems and solutions

Common problems include drying out, brown tips and leaf edges, often due to lack of water, over-fertilization or low humidity. Plants may also be susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases due to high humidity. If you notice necrotic spots or yellowing of the lower leaves, it may be necessary to treat the plant for fungal or bacterial infections.

Spathiphyllum can also attract pests such as mealybugs or thrips. Fungus gnats can be a problem if the soil is too wet. Make sure to drain the soil well and avoid overwatering to prevent these infestations.

Care after flowering

Spathiphyllum generally flower from January to August, but flowering is quite sporadic. To make them flower again, it is essential to provide them with good light, keep them moist and ensure good humidity. Ideal nighttime temperatures are between 20°C and 24°C, which corresponds to average household temperatures.

Once they bloom, you can do what's called "deadheading," which is cutting off the top of the flower when it starts to turn brown. This allows the plant to produce a new flower stem. However, Spathiphyllum do not flower again immediately after this operation. Cutting should be done as close to the base of the flower as possible to encourage new growth.

Spathiphyllum flowers are typically white and creamy, but they can sometimes have green streaks. This usually means they are aging or moving out of season, taking up chlorophyll to capture more light.

Light and temperature requirements

In terms of light, Spathiphyllum prefer medium to bright indirect light. Direct exposure to sunlight can damage their foliage. Thin, dark leaves generally tolerate low light better, while thicker leaves require more light. An east-facing window is ideal as it provides soft morning light.

In terms of temperature, Spathiphyllum in general are not cold-hardy plants, which goes back to their natural habitat in tropical rainforests. Don't leave them near your air conditioner or a drafty window, and anything below 10°C is really problematic for this plant. Heat may not be a major problem, but make sure the plant is not too close to a heat source that could dry it out. Some varieties can withstand temperatures up to 42°C, but it is best to maintain a room temperature between 18°C ​​and 30°C.

🌿Spathiphyllum is an ideal indoor plant to bring a touch of greenery to your home while purifying the air.
With its specific needs for light, watering and humidity, it requires a little attention but more than rewards this effort with its beauty and elegant flowering.
By following our advice, you will be able to enjoy a healthy and thriving Spathiphyllum.
Remember that each plant is unique and may require adjustments in care. With patience and observation, you will develop a harmonious relationship with your peace lily!