How do I take care of my orchids?

Comment prendre soin de mes orchidées?

Orchids are exotic and beautiful flowers that can add color and beauty to any living space. They do, however, have special care needs, and these are important to take into account to ensure their growth and flowering.

Here are some tips for caring for your orchids:

Place your orchids in a location that receives indirect light . They need light, but not direct sun, which can burn the leaves.

Use a pot with drainage holes to prevent water from pooling in the pot and causing root rot problems.

Be sure to put a layer of gravel or clay pebbles at the bottom of the pot to help with water drainage.

Use a potting mix specially formulated for orchids and repot your plants every two to three years or so. This will help maintain proper nutrient levels and prevent the roots from becoming overcrowded.

Water your orchids regularly , making sure the soil never dries out completely. However, avoid drowning them or letting water stagnate in the pot.

Use rainwater or demineralized water if your tap water contains high levels of chlorine or limescale.

Fertilize your orchids every two weeks or so with a fertilizer specially formulated for orchids. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for how much to use and how to apply it. Cut off faded flower stalks to encourage new blooms. Do this by cutting the stem just above a node of healthy leaves.

    But then, how to choose the ideal fertilizer to feed our orchids among the many fertilizers that exist on the market? There are a multitude of them, but here are the ones that we can advise you and what is more, are natural!


    Compost is a mixture of organic matter that naturally breaks down to create a nutrient-rich fertilizer for plants. It can be produced from garden waste such as leaves, grass clippings, branches and wilted flowers, as well as food waste such as eggshells, peelings and vegetable scraps. Compost can be used to improve the quality of your soil and to fertilize your plants in a natural way. You can use it as a fertilizer by mixing it into the soil before planting, or spreading it on the soil surface around your plants. Compost is an ecological and economical way to fertilize your plants and protect the environment by reducing waste.

    Hen manure

    Hen manure is an organic fertilizer that is obtained from the droppings and excrement of hens. It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which makes it a very effective fertilizer for plants. Hen manure can be used fresh or composted before being applied to plants. It is recommended to compost it before use as it may contain bacteria which can be harmful to plants if used fresh. Hen manure can be mixed with compost or incorporated directly into the soil before planting vegetables, flowers or other plants. It can also be used as a mulch around plants to retain moisture and protect roots.

    Liquid natural fertilizer for orchids

    A natural liquid orchid fertilizer is a fertilizer that is made from natural ingredients such as plants, algae, eggshells, manure, etc. It is designed to feed and fertilize plants in a natural way, without using chemicals.

    Natural liquid fertilizers are often made from organic materials that are ground up and diluted in water to make a liquid that is easy to apply to plants. They can be used directly on plant leaves or on the soil around the base of the plant.

    Natural liquid fertilizers are an eco-friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers and can be used to feed and fertilize a wide range of plants including vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs. They are particularly useful for plants in pots or planters, as they can be easily applied and absorbed by the plants.

    The seaweeds

    Algae are aquatic organisms that can be used as a natural fertilizer for plants. They are rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for plant growth and development. Algae can be used in different ways to fertilize plants:

    As a liquid fertilizer: Seaweed can be mashed and diluted in water to be used as a liquid fertilizer. They can be applied directly to plant leaves or to the soil around the base of the plant.

    As a mulch: Dried seaweed can be used as a mulch around plants to retain moisture and protect roots.

    As a solid fertilizer: Seaweed can be mixed with compost or incorporated directly into the soil before planting vegetables, flowers or other plants.

    Eggshell powder

    Eggshell powder is obtained from crushed eggshells. Rich in calcium, phosphorus and protein, this makes it an effective fertilizer for plants. As with seaweed, eggshell powder can be used as a solid fertilizer by being mixed with compost or incorporated directly into the soil before planting, as a mulch to retain moisture or as a liquid fertilizer to be applied directly to the leaves or around the plant.

    Note that even though these are natural fertilizers, they should be used sparingly and follow the manufacturer's instructions. In general, it is recommended to fertilize orchids about every two weeks during the growing season, reducing the frequency during the dormant period. Using too much natural fertilizer can overfeed your plants and damage them.

    With these tips, you should be able to care for your orchids effectively and have them blooming consistently. Remember to watch them closely and care for them carefully, and you will be rewarded with these beautiful and exotic flowers!